President’s Corner: November-December 2024

Happy Holiday and Happy Kwanzaa!


Wow! I just love this time of year when people push their troubles, heartaches, and disappointments to the side and focus on the good and the goodness of people.  It is the time of year when we want to be merry, happy, and joyful. We could dance down the street to the music that is in our souls.  I wondered if that is how our ancestors felt, even being slaves, even being treated like second-class citizens.  How could they push all of that aside and be happy?

In this season of merriment and joy, we know that it is not all joy and rejoicing; it is not all tranquility and peace; it is not all love and happiness. Maybe this is the season we all catch our collective breaths, rest, relax, and reflect because, in January, we resume the fight, the battle cry, the marches, speeches, and all that it takes to fight for our rights, dignity, and a piece of the pie. For the next four years, we will have a fight on our hands.  But now let us remember how it felt to have a Bison, Vice President Kamala Harris to run for President of the United States.  Let us remember how we celebrated our 100th Homecoming, let us remember our freshmen class, our graduating class, and our service projects: Project Giveback and New Endeavors for Women, and then smile and then smile some more.

My dear fellow alumni, please enjoy your Christmas.  I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Kwanzaa.  Enjoy, relax, visit, and do what makes you happy, and I will see you in the New Year!


Hazel L. Robinson
