President's Corner - September-October 2023
Stand your Ground
Welcome, fellow alumni to a new school year! Welcome to the Class of 2027! Welcome to our new President, Dr. Ben Vinson. We are excited about a new school year and the hope and promise that it brings. I trust you had a wonderful summer and are ready to engage. Over the past year and summer, we could see how the Supreme Court has reversed our hard-won rights: women's reproductive rights and affirmative action. We can see how Congress is slow to enact rules that will safeguard our rights, protect us, and enhance our very lives. Are these just empty phrases, “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness.” One Nation under God.” “Freedom and justice.” “No justice, no peace.” “Black Lives Matter.” I hope not.
As heirs of hard-fought victories in the civil rights arena, we must be prepared to fight on, march on, pray on, and in the words of the National Black Anthem until victory is won. We must fight on until justice prevails and our rights are restored. Will you join me in being mad as hell and want to do something about it? We can do something, and we will do something until the change we seek has come to fruition. I am encouraged by this Bible verse, and I hope you find encouragement too.
“Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand Ephesian 6:13
Are you ready to stand your ground with me?
Thank you for electing me your President again. I consider it an honor to serve and lead. After a two-year hiatus, I am back and highly charged as ever. We can do a lot if we do it together. I am looking forward to a very productive two years as we make our mark on Howard University and the world. It’s time to get engaged, it’s time to get moving, it’s time to serve, it’s time to lead and it’s time to make a difference. Are you ready to do these things?
Hazel L. Robinson