President's Corner - May-June 2023
The month of May was filled with the excitement of marking achievements, attending commencement ceremonies, celebrations, and receiving special announcements.
After weeks of listening sessions and waiting patiently for updates from the Presidential Search Committee, the announcement of Howard’s 18th president arrived, just one week before the 155th Commencement Convocation. Although Dr. Ben Vinson, III may seem obscure to the Howard community, he comes with an extraordinary curricula vita. He’s a distinguished scholar of the African Diaspora, author, university provost, and a visionary. Dr. Vinson is expected to start on September 1st. As he settles into his new role, our alumni will welcome and seek opportunities to meet and engage with him. To ensure a smooth transition, President Frederick will continue in leadership through the next several months. As we prepare to bid farewell to our illustrious 17th President this is undoubtedly a bittersweet moment for me, fellow alums, and the HU community. I must note, however, that it is truly encouraging and heartening to witness the peaceful transfer of power, in such a respectable manner. Dr. Frederick will be sorely missed, but his profound legacy is securely intact. He has nurtured and sown seeds that will sprout and multiply for decades to come. Thank you, Dr. Wayne A.I. Frederick!
Speaking of presidents, we welcomed the HUAA President, Dr. Kandace L. Harris, to our Annual May meeting, held virtually on May 22nd. Kandace provided highlights of recent HUAA and university activities and events, shared about opportunities for alumni to become actively involved in HUAA, and she graciously responded to a range of questions from our club members. Thank you, Dr. Kandace!
A few other highlights that occurred during the Annual meeting include the giving challenges, which served as a kick-off to our June campaign, and inspired members to give! There were challenges made to fellow alum representing the School of B, COAS, Classes of 1990 – 2000, and Divine Nine brother and sisterhoods! The fundraising committee shared details for the “Fund a Bison” campaign, and the events committee provided details for the July 8th Red, White, Bleed Blue Freshman Sendoff Cookout. Please see the flyers and our website for further details,
As we come to the end of our two-year term, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the ELC, committee chairs, and all who served in various capacities. You have shown diligence, tenacity, and commitment to HUAC-GWDC, volunteering countless hours to plan, execute, and support activities we deemed necessary to advance our club objectives.
As a reminder, this is an election year for our club. The Nominating Committee is currently seeking candidates for all elected positions. We need members with fresh ideas, enthusiasm, and a commitment to serve and lead. Please consider becoming a club officer for the next term, which begins on July 1st. Reply to: [email protected] by Friday, June 9th.
Your Support is Needed:
- 5-10 Volunteers: Red, White, Bleed Blue Freshman Sendoff Cookout and Art Auction
- Sign-up Genius for Cookout items
- Give to the “Fund a Bison” Campaign
Let’s Finish Strong!

Many thanks for your 2 year leadership of our productive club!
We expect your continued support, as we navigate our next two years.